DTF’s founder & ceo

Lloyd dangle

“How did I get to be so proficient at helping top business executives think through their models and strategies? It started with being a political cartoonist.”

Drawing comics made Lloyd Dangle masterful at distilling complex information into the most critical nuggets and depicting them in crisp statements and visual stories.

Companies welcomed his visual storytelling acumen and outside perspective to help them conceptualize and explain their products. Before long he was asked to bring his visual skills to help facilitate live strategy meetings, enabling leaders to cut through the complexity of their situation to make faster decisions with clarity.

Lloyd Dangle profile picture 1

accelerated strategy

What We Deliver


Visuals go directly into your consciousness and stick. They are processed 60,000 times faster than text.


Creativity is not just about coming up with new ideas. It’s equally important to be ruthless in destroying the old stuff that isn’t working.


Clients make key strategic decisions, forge better executive relationships, and unlock previously unseen revenue opportunities.


We create a space for curiosity and reflection that is essential for visionary leadership, but rarely makes it into most leaders’ calendars.


Humor is essential to innovation because it introduces the element of surprise.


Our accelerated strategy sessions get you and your company aligned on a single vision and ready to move forward on tangible projects.

visual stories

my background

For 20 years I created drawings that appeared in hundreds of media outlets, including Entertainment Weekly, Time Magazine, and Wired. With a cartoon, you don’t have a lot of time to waste. I had to study issues closely and present them in a way that people would understand at a glance. I became a regular contributor to the New York Times Op-Ed page. Busineses engaged me to help them explain and promote their products through comics, “explainer” graphics, and videos.

I strategized with the founders of the cold remedy startup, Airborne Health Formula, who had been struggling to get Airborne carried by pharmacy chains. I designed a package for them that made their product appealing and easily understood. The new identity helped launch one of the best-selling health products in history. From there more and more business leaders trusted me to help them tell their stories.

I developed my capacity for facilitating and bringing meaning to live meetings and was invited to join an innovative consulting team at Hewlett Packard. After several years there, I was offered the chance to design and help lead a team to facilitate strategic visioning conversations for Amazon Web Services.

All told, I’ve worked with leaders from over 150 companies in 69 industries on 5 continents – from the largest traditional enterprises to cloud-native startups, and everything in between.

Lloyd Dangle writing out the agenda for a strategy meeting photo by Terry Lorant

What Clients are saying

“most meetings are circular conversations in boring conference rooms with bullet-point slides. What Lloyd does is remarkably different. he’s a bit of a secret weapon for getting people unstuck.”

– James Young, Principal/CEO, Tangible

 What Colleagues are saying

“That rare kind of consultant who listens more than talks, has genuine empathy, and understands that the real magic is to guide, not tell. Lloyd helps people find their own answers to problems they previously thought were insurmountable.”

– Former Teammate, Hewlett Packard Enterprise