Tools for Drawing Your Future
Design a Meeting That Dazzles
Designing a great experience is important and that starts with a solid agenda.
Using Visuals for Shared Understanding
Visuals are essential tools for strategy conversations and cognitive science has proved it.
Five Reasons Why Projects Fail
Many projects––even if they are well-conceived and identified as high impact––turn out to be duds that never gain traction.
A Radical Idea: Turn Over Your Crappy Meetings to Robots
Discerning which activities are truly human and those which could be adequately handled by robots, is a juicy and controversial topic of discussion.
Pictures Change Perception
The way we normally look at the world map frames how we think about geopolitics.
The Hard Work of Aligning a Team
What is needed is a living, breathing strategy that informs people’s Bias for Action and delivers against mutually-understood outcomes.