What I do

My firm, Draw the Future, works with clients to identify the single question that, if answered, will have massive and immediate impact to the business. We spend a day together answering that question.

drawing by Lloyd Dange which shows what he does in strategy sessions
As a client you’ll be challenged to be equal parts audacious and ruthless, disrupting your current idea of what’s possible. You’ll generate big ideas that will change your business; prioritize them to get to the ones that are of highest impact. And you’ll challenge yourself to stop doing the things that are eating up your capacity and providing little value. The conversations will be captured visually to provide you with an artifact and planning tool. Your team will emerge aligned and motivated with owners and an action plan.

Draw the Future is a much faster and more focused process than typical “strategic planning,” the kind that results in a thick binder of recommendations that are rarely implemented. Draw the Future achieves results immediately. The methodology is world-class, informed by hundreds of customer engagements with many of the world’s most innovative companies. And a strategy engagement with us costs a fraction of what you would spend for the thick binder.

Sound interesting? Let’s have a conversation about what drawing the future might look like for your team.

Draw the Future

making brilliant decisions easier

Strategy, in a nutshell, means choosing the right business objective and identifying the steps to get there. Here are some types of strategy conversations we tackle and the expected outcomes:


Internal teams come together to gain clarity and align on strategic outcomes, plans, and roles & responsibilities at the start of a high-stakes, cross-functional project.

Aligned Vision & Action Plan

A leadership team thinks big about the future, articulates strategic outcomes, and designs a plan to reach them.

Partnership Strategy

Two entities come together to think big, identify opportunities for mutual value, and develop a partnership strategy.

Industry Roundtable

Several entities come together to have a peer-to-peer conversation on a topic of mutual interest. A product or service provider may host this type of session to share their point of view and gain industry insights.

Sales & Pursuit Strategy

A pursuit team develops the strategy and messaging to win a big deal; an account team develops the strategy to take the relationship with an existing account to the next level.

Executive Briefing

We partner with a company’s Executive Briefing Center to provide an engaging, interactive, and visually stimulating conversation, as an alternative experience to the company’s standard sales presentation.

Draw the Future


Ed Mattingly profile picture

An Experienced Team

Ed Mattingly

 Prior to becoming a strategic facilitator, Ed built his broad expertise through global leadership positions in strategic business development and corporate venturing, consulting practice development, global field operations, and complex solution sales at both a start-up and companies such as Cisco, HPE, Agilent and NetApp, leveraging his background in engineering and business to see both sides.

Ed’s clients describe him as a motivational bridge builder toward a shared strategic goal, often using a bit of humor to diffuse charged situations. He has helped clients across industries and government agencies to make change real.